Today I flipped out about a tea kettle. Yes, you heard right, a tea kettle - such a silly, simple thing. The tea kettle was, of course, not the real problem. The problem started hours before with the fifty other things that occurred throughout the day that had not been deal with properly and had led to built up tension and stress.
The same is true for singing. So often we will pinpoint a note or passage and label this "the problem." In fact, the problem started measures ago with vocal issues not properly addressed. Under less demanding circumstances these issues could probably fly under the radar but when met with more challenging notes or passages they become exposed. When I bump up against a problem as a singer I have learned to back up a couple of measures to see what I'm doing to hinder my success. Now, if only I could learn to do that more often in life.
The same is true for singing. So often we will pinpoint a note or passage and label this "the problem." In fact, the problem started measures ago with vocal issues not properly addressed. Under less demanding circumstances these issues could probably fly under the radar but when met with more challenging notes or passages they become exposed. When I bump up against a problem as a singer I have learned to back up a couple of measures to see what I'm doing to hinder my success. Now, if only I could learn to do that more often in life.